Making The Most of Your Machine
InVanse BirdsEye is a comprehensive modular software system that is designed to increase plant-wide awareness and drive accountability. BirdsEye provides both Production Control monitoring and detailed Process Analysis to ensure maximum throughput and maximum uptime of all automated machinery. Designed to use existing controls architecture, BirdsEye decreases upfront cost of integration. BirdsEye also interfaces directly to many other common devices via wired and wireless technologies.
Subject Matter Experts
BirdsEye is designed by Stampers, for Stampers. Our software leverages 42+ years of hands-on press-room engineering.
BirdsEye is hardware and software independent. We can use any customer preferred IIoT or analysis instrumentation.
BirdsEye is designed to utilize existing PLC technologies with very low resource use of PLC scan-time, memory, and networking.
Information produced by BirdsEye is unchangeable at its collection and storage locations.
BirdsEye Components

Statistical Process Control
BirdsEye SPC, when coupled with existing PLC, IIoT sensors, and process instrumentation, analyzes and “predicts” the need for planned item maintenance. We statistically measure; vibration, temperature, pressure, strain, amperage, fluid levels, vacuum, energy, servo drives, repeatability, network reliability, et al.

Downtime Monitoring
BirdsEye Downtime records every system fault and provides on-screen reporting to determine highest order fault conditions to easily identify and remedy machine issues.

Parameter Monitoring
BirdsEye Recipe constantly checks for operator “recipe” modifications, verifies against tolerance range and reports potential process degradation.

PLC I/O Forces
BirdsEye Force detects all PLC I/O state changes. It records a full history of each I/O point. This also reveals use of Forces to overcome poor machine operation.

Automatic Alerts
BirdsEye Alert is easily configurable and user customizable. Giving people what they need only when they need it to make critical decisions.

BirdsEye Overview provides easy access to all real-time graphical analysis tools, helping you to “see” what is and has been happening on the shop floor.

Android Mobile Device
BirdsEye Mobile conveniently provides an overview of the same real-time graphical analysis tools on your Android device.

Web Browser
As an additional graphical display method, BirdsEye Web allows users access to plant information via any common web browser.

Tools for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
The BirdsEye Engineer Toolkit is a power tool for detailed Industrial Engineering analysis. Engineers can easily configure new analysis conditions.

Tools for Programmers
With the BirdsEye Programmer Toolkit, engineers and programmers have the ability to access the entire BirdsEye database providing a custom data usage.

A Process Analysis System is only good if it is used properly. The BirdsEye Training series helps to prepare our customers to fully realize the capabilities of BirdsEye.

Engineers & planning staff can gain insight with the BirdsEye Education series which teaches theoretical & practical use of information collection, SPC, and analysis.

BirdsEye Support makes your system pertetually up-to-date. Updates can be rolled out on a predetermined schedule via remote and/or local server access.

Virtual Engineering
You can realize even more production gains by putting our 42+ years of engineering experience to work for you, even from remote.
InVanse makes automated production and process control solutions for the metal-forming industry
From the engineering to the manufacturing, InVanse is here to help you improve your production and equipment capabilities. Learn how we can help you.